Saltas - Mors Salis Opus I (LP, Album) (Near Mint (NM or M-))


Media Condition: Near Mint (NM or M-)
Sleeve Condition: Near Mint (NM or M-)



Limited to 300 copies


A1. Metaspiritual Redisintegration
A2. Tremors
A3. Astral Funeral March
A4. Dimensional Seismic Waves
A5. This Is The Death
B1. The Rotting Resonance
B2. ... The Liberation
B3. Reverse Atom(b)


Barcode and Other Identifiers:

Matrix / Runout PIRATES PRESS - ANTIGOTH 467 A 200809E1/A
Matrix / Runout PIRATES PRESS - ANTIGOTH 467 B 200809E2/A


Mastered At Raven Noise Studio
Manufactured By Pirates Press
Pressed By GZ Media

Data provided by Discogs

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