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  • Note: All sales are final. Can't say that any simpler. Unless the product is defective in the manufacturing sense, we will not accept any returns (in other words, "you bot it, you bought it").
  • Product Description: I'll be honest, Heather Graham was not entirely awesome in the second televised season of Twin Peaks, circa 1990–91. Don't get me wrong, there was something endearing about Annie Blackburn's naïveté straight out of the nunnery, but there was this one scene in the Double R Diner where Heather was clearly reading her lines off a disguised cue card and... I don't know... it just took me out of the moment with Agent Cooper. Not that this should concern you in the least, of course, but I did want to make sure you understood the distinction between a Heather Gray tee and a Heather Graham tee, as the latter, I suspect, would be more honey in tone a la a graham cracker—specifically a honey graham cracker. That's right, the one with the cartoon bee. Anyway, just clearing up any confusion you may have. You're welcome.  —Cliver

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